Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Deliciously nutritious spinach smoothie

For breakfast I encourage you to prepare a very healthy smoothie.  Smoothies satisfy our stomache and provide us with lots of energy, which is essential to tackling daily challenges .
Tara Stiles one of my favourite yoga teachers created the most delicious spinache smoothie. She calls it the green dream smoothie. I litereally drink this smoothie every day.
What you will need is:
1 banana
Handful of spinach
1 whole apple
1 orange
Half a lemon
1 whole pear

Cup of almond milk
Blend all the ingredients in the blender and enjoy. :)
Another great feature of this drink is that it contains no preservatives, and sugar in exchange it contains a high dose of natural vitamins , minerals - and thus in the diet are more easily absorbed by the body .

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