Sunday, April 12, 2015

In the heart of Amsterdam.

It seems like ages ago I was savouring the last few hours in Amsterdam. Looking back at these photos is making me miss it even more! I truly fell in love with you Amsterdam. Just being in Amsterdam for two days, Hanna, Martin and I felt we had to really make the most of it. I'd never been before, so wanted to see as much as I could. We decided to take a tour bus that takes you around town. We explored all day and partied at night. I only regret not going to the Anne Frank exhibition and Anne Franks hiding place during the war. Amsterdam is perfectly beautiful. The river leads to many beautiful bridges that light up at night time. For those visiting, I highly recommend going to the Ice Bar. And remember to dress warm before you go. Don't forget to watch out for bikers. The people of Amsterdam use their bikes as a form of transport to go around. Economically they save a lot of money. But seriously, watch out for them. You don't want to nearly get run over like I did here. My trip was actually funded by my two best friends. They just decided to surprise me and bring me to Amsterdam. I can't get the words to say how truly thankful I am to have them in my life. And as for Amsterdam I hope to visit again soon!

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